Background: Hypocalcemia is a derangement in serum calcium level due to a vast spectrum of disorders, but the\nmost common cause is surgery, usually thyroid gland surgery. Symptoms of hypocalcemia can be due to increased\nneuromuscular excitation resulting in tetany, paresthesia or seizure. It can also be because of deposition of calcium\nin soft tissues producing reduced vision /cataract or calcification of basal ganglia. Cataract is the most common\nocular symptom of hypocalcemia.\nCase report: A twenty-six years old Ethiopian female patient presented with painless reduction of vision of both\neyes. Five years prior to the reduction of vision she was diagnosed to have hypocalcemia. The serum calcium level\nwas very low (3 mg/dl) due to damage to the parathyroid gland during total thyroidectomy for toxic goiter. She\nhas been on supplemental calcium gluconate twice daily. She had typical bilateral symmetrical posterior sub\ncapsular cataract with punctate iridescent opacities in the anterior and posterior cortex of the lens. Systemic\nexamination revealed horizontal surgical scar on the anterior neck and positive Chvostek sign.